Friday, November 02, 2007

It appears this is my first entry in three years.

So, I, apparently, had this blog thing totally wrong. "Blogs are sooo 2002" will go down with "That Titanic is unsinkable," "Ze Germans will never think to go around ze wall" and "Americans aren't dumb enough to vote for George W. Bush" in the annals of bad predictions. I will end my career as a futurist with this prediction: I have no future as a futurist.

So what have I learned in three years? I've learned that I suck at fantasy football. I've learned that weddings are very expensive. I've learned that as you head south-east in Michigan the demand curve for beer moves the right. I've learned never to rent a tuxedo from a cruise line. I've learned that I can be relied upon for an average of one blog post every five months (which may actually be more than Paul).

So, I am going to give this another try. I may actually tell people this time.

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