Monday, February 11, 2008

Mickey Kaus Coins an Offensive New Term...


Apparently, any view on immigration that does not align with Señor Kaus' is actually a shameless pander to a minority group that is in a photo finish with African-Americans for most despised. [What group is most despised? - ed. Do you even need to ask?]

P.S. It turns out that "Hispandering" isn't a new term. But, it was coined by Mickey Kaus.

P.P.S. Tomorrow on "What Has Happen to the Ideological Heroes of My College Years?": What is going on with Paul Krugman? [Aren't these postscripts and conversations with a nonexistent editor Mickey Kaus trademarks? - ed. Yes, but a) they are useful, b) I've always wanted to do it and c) I have an excuse with this post.]

P.P.P.S. Come baseball season, learning how to type a "ñ" is going to come in handy. [Oh-wee-oh Magglio!! - ed. That's right.]

P.P.P.P.S Notice that the editorials, blog posts, etc. regarding the emails about Obama being a Muslim always denounce this "smear" against him. They never say, "So what if he is?"

P.P.P.P.P.S. Whew! See you in three weeks!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great work.