Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Oveplayed Meme of the Day

It's a new feature!! (Despite the implications of the title, new feature will not be posted daily.)

Today's overplayed meme is:

Obama voters are misogynist, Clinton voters are racist.


Carrie said...

It's true. I hate black people.


Mrs. White said...

So, this means that Edwards supporters are both misogynists and racists? *Gasp!* :)

The media sure is outdoing itself with this election, aren't they? I declare shenanighans.

Nathan said...

Dear Carrie,
I believe Steve was voicing sarcasm about the media, not his actual thoughts. No one thinks you're racist for supporting Hillary.

Steve, correct me if I'm wrong.

Istvan Szerencse said...

You would be correct Nathan.

Carrie said...

I realize that! Argh. I was seconding his statement. Damn tone.