Sunday, August 22, 2004

I, Victim.

My girlfriend gets back into town. We're heading out to my car for a fun day of visiting open houses, when I notice that someone has decided it would look better with a silver squiggle of spray paint down the side. I'm understandably upset by this, considering the hemming and hawing I did last night about whether to leave my car on the street. This is, apparently, what I get for being too lazy to take the 2 minutes to move my car around back.

So, my girlfriend (hereafter known as M) and I head out to a foaming brush place that she knows of on Oakland. We want to see if we can get any of the paint off. I realized that this seems kind of futile, but we were able to remove some of the paint.

Upon our return home, I call to make a police report, in case I need it for an insurance claim. I was expecting them to take a statement over the phone, instead they send out a member of Lansing's Finest. He looks at my car, writes down the appropriate information, takes a picture and heads on his way. It turns out that this was part of a string of incidents; he was on his way to take a picture of another vandalized car. In the process, I may have inadvertently offended the officer:

Me: "I wasn't expecting them to send an officer; I was just looking to document this for insurance purposes."

Officer: "You know... We actually try to solve these."

Me: "Sorry."

Oh well.

Thus, I now have to include a trip to MAACO this week.

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