Sunday, August 22, 2004

I'm a dork, pt. 2.

Funny. True.

The Apple Product Cycle

I, Victim.

My girlfriend gets back into town. We're heading out to my car for a fun day of visiting open houses, when I notice that someone has decided it would look better with a silver squiggle of spray paint down the side. I'm understandably upset by this, considering the hemming and hawing I did last night about whether to leave my car on the street. This is, apparently, what I get for being too lazy to take the 2 minutes to move my car around back.

So, my girlfriend (hereafter known as M) and I head out to a foaming brush place that she knows of on Oakland. We want to see if we can get any of the paint off. I realized that this seems kind of futile, but we were able to remove some of the paint.

Upon our return home, I call to make a police report, in case I need it for an insurance claim. I was expecting them to take a statement over the phone, instead they send out a member of Lansing's Finest. He looks at my car, writes down the appropriate information, takes a picture and heads on his way. It turns out that this was part of a string of incidents; he was on his way to take a picture of another vandalized car. In the process, I may have inadvertently offended the officer:

Me: "I wasn't expecting them to send an officer; I was just looking to document this for insurance purposes."

Officer: "You know... We actually try to solve these."

Me: "Sorry."

Oh well.

Thus, I now have to include a trip to MAACO this week.

Growing the number of awkward sentence constructions?

Is this where the phrase "growing the economy" comes from? Is it me, or did W start this? I honestly cannot remember that wording being used more than four years ago. Maybe I have selective amnesia. Unfortunately, this phrase does not seem to be going away; rather it has wormed its way into the lexicon.

Saturday, August 21, 2004

Secret tunnels beneath Chicago.

Interesting site about small tunnels that ran under most of downtown Chicago. One of those random bits of trivia my friends and family will give me shit for knowing in the future.

Chicago Tunnel Company Railroad History

Yeah, I'm a dork.

I know blogs are sooo 2002, but this is the kind of thing that happens when I'm left home alone. I'll probably end up doing this for a week, before getting bored. However, I'm bored now, so here it is - a blog.

The Lutheran in me knows that this is a pointless and self-indulgent endeavor - my thoughts and opinions are not unique and are, therefore, not worth sharing.

Also, it is an excuse to say nom de plume.